Where are you most excited to visit in

Baghdad Japan

148 2779

What is/are your favorite setting(s) from

Concept arts by the incredible former franchise Art Director

42 513

Where would you go if you had an Animus of your own with samples to take you to any point in history anywhere in the world, including settings not yet shown in

Quote/Retweet with your choices!

24 240

What is your favorite Era of Why?⚔

48 700

Let's celebrate !⚔️🍻

What were your favorite moments from Darby's Exceptional Writing for

71 756

Which confession room style do you prefer in

58 759

What's your most heartbreaking moment in

58 717

Which one is your favorite from the Ancient Trilogy of

91 1327

Are you telling me that there’s a possibility of two contrasting settings in the next Let me know your thoughts, speculations and wishes for the next game and let’s find out the truth together at: https://t.co/Ag1gyu7BSW

10 44