It's pretty cool that and are the same day, as someone who is both an atheist and pupy, hehe. So here's a lil doodle I did for that mashup, trying to get some more use out of pupy me before debuting them proper hehe.

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En este una paleada de animo a aquellos que viven en regiones donde todavía el ateísmo es segregado, rechazado, incluso perseguido, fuerza hermanos estamos con ustedes...

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This art represents two different stories!
1- It portrays closeted atheists celebrating their non-belief!
2- It also represents religious people who believe that atheists shouldn’t be demonized, ostracized, or persecuted by abusive laws!- from Atheist Republic

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Today is a day where we can share that we are proud to be openly living without god(s).
I created my comic series After the Gold Rush to express how I felt coming out of religion. It's important to tell these stories. We don't need faith, we need each other.

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I unshackled myself from superstitious beliefs years ago and completely embraced rationalism. It was a herculean feat. Today I celebrate all atheists around the world, especially those who remain closeted for fear of persecution and discrimination

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One of my first digital sketches was of Charles Darwin, using Sketchbook Pro...

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