SAVAGE SAGAS from starring Gardner Fox's CROM THE BARBARIAN! Story by Christopher Mills, art by . Variant covers by Sergio Cariello, Paul Pelletier/, & Jeff Cram!

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Wish they still made comics like they used to? At we DO!! Golden Age heroes reborn - Bronze Age style! SPACE CRUSADERS & and SLEUTH COMICS are now available in both print & digital formats! New titles coming soon!

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Wish they still made comics like they used to? At we DO!! Golden Age heroes reborn - Bronze Age style! SPACE CRUSADERS & and SLEUTH COMICS are now available in both print & digital formats! New titles coming soon!

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Stop complaining that they don't make comics like they used to! At we do!! Golden Age heroes reborn in a Bronze Age universe! SPACE CRUSADERS & and SLEUTH COMICS are available in both print & digital formats NOW!

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