THUNDERBOLTS Attilan was paradise on Counter-Earth for a few weeks, but now crime has begun to creep in. The Thunderbolts are on the hunt for a murderer!

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THUNDERBOLTS On Counter-Earth, Zemo and the Thunderbolts have taken to Attilan to amass the refugees of this dying planet. But does Zemo plan to be conqueror or hero?

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The Negative Zone, Blue Area of the Moon, Attilan, Microverse. You know how many places we could go to?? The different and insane amount of areas and rogue galleries the F4 have you could do so much with a game about them

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Que lo sea es un detalle fantástico, 1ero que es distinta porque creció fuera de Attilan sin saber que es inhumana y 2do porque tiene que aprender a conectarse con esto (igual que aprende a aceptar mejor su identidad musulmana) Además amo su relación con Medusa y Lockjaw. 🥺💖

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Au XXXIe siècle, le jeune Nathaniel Richards rencontre la version future de lui-même, le redoutable voyageur temporel Kang le Conquérant.
Sur Attilan Comics ici

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A second Commish for:

There's a pupper theme here~
Shona (Left) belongs to Attilan
Emerald Firejewel (Right) belongs to

Thanks for commissioning me again! <3

Consider my Patreon if you like!

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INHUMANS As unlikely as it seems, Attilan is losing the battle against the invading humans. With a single word, Black Bolt could wipe all of them out of existence… so why isn’t he?

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Really hoping this is for a unit of Attilan rough riders. But I’d take regular rough riders or death riders.. or mukaali. Anything I can turn into some warhams/aos Araby Calvary please!

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FANTASTIC FOUR (1997): The FF and the Inhumans face off against Maximus in the caves beneath Attilan, and he has his sights set on Crystal. Johnny, already enamored with her, doesn’t take this sitting down.

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En tiedä olisiko avoimesti missään. Meillä ainakin IL:ssä on päivystyksessä käytössä tutkasateesta johdettu sadesummatuote.

Esimerkkinä eilisen Orimattilan ukkoskuuro ja alueen vuorokauden sademäärä.

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