Want more Captain Marvel after The sales recognising continue as has the most recent Captain Marvel series on sale! With great art from , and more, this is a series I'll be reading and you should too!

5 34

Without spoilers, what did you think about

7 30

Is it weird that I’m more excited for than

5 49

Åh jösses, var ska man ens börja med Så ofattbart massiv! Spontana tankar: Första halvan är frustrerande ojämn (en viss sekvens känns som en SNL-sketch) men finalen gör att jag förlåter det mesta. Holy shit alltså, finns inte ord. Mer i inom kort!

1 11

Considering a movie marathon leading up to Well here is the run time

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$282 Million Opening Weekend for

‘Researcher predicts $282 million in North American ticket sales, topping the $258 million mark set last year by “Avengers: Infinity War.”’


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