Maybe it is not the craziest one, but it is the one that first thought about. SungWon Cho as Kalash from Unavowed, and as Miley from Neon White

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With the happening soon, here are 's predictions for the show:
1. Double Fine announces their next game, an original IP
2. At least 2 remake/remasters revealed/Persona to Xbox
3. Gameplay is shown: Avowed, Redfall, Starfield, Hellblade 2, & Forza MS

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From the authors of the highly regarded, multi-awarded Unavowed, a new story comes to life across space and time: slated for release later this year, finally has its main visual and logo.

Check out for more info!

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"Where was your Ladyship married to Lord Berkeley the Second Time?"
"In the Parish of Lambeth."
"Was that Marriage avowed, or still concealed?"
"...still concealed." 1811

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OUR PLACE OF WORSHIP IS SILENCE announce 'Disavowed, and Left Hopeless' as their next chapter of esoteric black metal, exploring metaphysical conflicts of man alongside varied song structure.

Stream the title track here:

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Meet Damien. He's a magically coded simulacrum that has suddenly grasped consciousness, and he's not happy about it. Talk him down or set him free in Adventures of the Avowed, a Candlekeep Mysteries adventure supplement hitting this month.

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Liked the cake golem earlier this week? Well, in that very same adventure, you can expect to meet these fun fellows: The Biscotti Boyz. Dashing good looks; delicious almond taste. Adventures of the Avowed, an adventure supplement for Mysteries of Candleep, arrives in March.

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A cake golem! With a knife! You're gonna have to deal with this tasty problem in Adventures of the Avowed, the Mysteries of Candlekeep adventure companion supplement coming to in March.

Art by

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it's easy to dunk on this guy but i wanted to point out that Trump has disavowed, fired, or just tweeted mean things about several people in this boat, or vice versa

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El estudio se hace presente en con una nueva IP desarrollada exclusivamente para y sistemas

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want to get to Unavowed, so i'm catching up on Wadjet Eye games with Primordia. love the Amiga-esque look & tone. reminiscent of Beneath A Steel Sky.

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