David Xu foi perguntado sobre trazer campeões mais complicados (Aphelios, Azir, Viego, Sylas..)

Ele comentou que a equipe continua explorando opções, e que estão prontos para apostar em campeões mais "difíceis", e em adaptações (como Karma e+

60 1108

Miyo snorted, unconvinced. "Ha! I know your kind, Magus Wazir," she sneered. "You are nothing but a trickster, seeking to deceive and manipulate those around you. I will not be fooled by your lies!"

0 8

She was a hot-headed and impetuous young woman, with wild, unkempt hair and a fiery temper. She glared at Wazir, her eyes blazing with anger.

0 10

Azir, Nasus e Renekton Corrompidos no LOR 🧐

39 696


Comprarían figuras de aprox. 15-18cm de PVC de Azir, Shen y la Novia de Azir?
trabajo hecho en China, no algo casero.
Y no estoy fumada, es HIPOTETICAMENTE real(?
De ser así, En qué pose les gustaría verlos a cada uno? Realista o chibi?

2 31

Ashen Slayer Sylas, Worlds 2022 Azir, & Fright Night Skins Now Available!
S: https://t.co/U1zIujhkTv

4 49

Birthday: Azir

A Day Like Today September 16, 8 Years Ago in 2014, Azir, The Emperor of the Sands was Released

8 111

Oh yeah the new Azir, Blitzcrank and Kassadin icons are all drop rewards

110 2803

Continuing with champ select. A lot of people are upset cuz Ez/Janna didn’t get skins. Personally Ez doesn’t fit either (but he’s a fan favorite and will sale, basically the Ash Ketchum of the skinline) but listen

Zyra, Ivern, Azir, Vex, Fizz, Kled, Kindred, Nunu…(3/7)

0 6

This is my first cat! buy at 0.80 BNB = almost RM2,000 at that time. At first, bila fikir dulu macam kerja gila dan membazir, but now, sangat bergaya untuk HODL for long term investment.


2 8

R63 league of legends Champions
Shurima trio Azir, Nasus and Renekton

96 367

LOOK AT THEM my friend did a yearbook art piece for the highschool au our friend group has for our dnd characters. my four that ive played in campaigns <3
in order: alfyn, kazir, vieraen, promise

art by taco_tuseday on insta please check her out!!

0 4

and here is azir, 190 (6'3") bc y'all voted him to be and sure why not! calamity duo ready to take that throne and turn the world upside down.

82 407

After the group arrived back on Battlefall. The war is seemingly over, save the cog of Helvegen still on fire from Belhazir, the lord of hell, now a joint task force is needed to quell the fiend invasion cog of Helvegen! Join us for the aftermath; https://t.co/HCZm8QWUv8

1 3

Ok so my favorite champions are:
Kindred, Jhin, Ivern, Taric and Vex

Honorable mentions:
Viktor, Nami, Azir, Lillia, Draven and Kled.

Favorite skinlines?
Space Groove, Star Guardian, SB, Cosmic and Elderwood.

Wanted to put images but twt wont let me post more than one so

0 2

Birthday: Azir

On a day like today September 16, 7 Years Ago in 2014, Azir, The Emperor of the Sands was Released

23 281

I want Azir, Jarvan and Swain to meet as the Runeterran Rulers Club tho that might just end like this: https://t.co/eQ1W207WTv

15 81

Chen-Azir, one of the Mechanical Gods in Unlike Engineered or Cultivated AIs, Chen-Azir's memory engrams and personality matrix are lifted from a human crew-member in stasis to bolster crew numbers.

3 19

Free Champion Rotation, Week of June 15th: Azir, Fiora, Jinx, Kai'Sa, Leona, Lissandra, Neeko, Olaf, Orianna, Pantheon, Rumble, Shaco, Skarner, Thresh, and Wukong
S: https://t.co/2xk47ujBFH

5 72