500 years ago TODAY: Mexica agents boldly row up to Cortes' flagship and ask what they are doing here. The Mexica are told to report that the strangers will land tomorrow and visit their leader--not to be upset, as "we have no intention of doing any injury."

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500 years ago TODAY: Cortes' fleet reaches it's predetermined destination, Chalchicohuecan, in Totonac territory. To the Castilians it’s known as San Juan de Ulua, named during the previous year’s visit by Captain Grijalva.

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500 years ago LAST NIGHT: Malinali's first night in the Spanish encampment. This image is a preview of page 39, to be posted next week. This is an important moment for her character, which every history book avoids. Trigger warning.

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500 years ago TODAY: Cortes gives "Marina" to Alonso Puertocarrero, cousin to the Earl of Medellin of the Crown of Castile. He was the closest royally connected figure of the expedition's captains, and thus favored by Cortes.

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500 years ago TODAY: Malinali is baptized by the Mercedarian Friar Olmedo as "Marina."

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500 years ago TODAY: Cortes fires off a cannon, and gets an excitable stallion to rear at the Maya as a show of force--and to show his ability to control the strangely large breed of deer. Read the entire meeting here: https://t.co/6ipLwFUo0m

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500 years ago TODAY: 15 Tabasco slaves enter Spanish-occupied Potonchan with a peace offering. They are told by Aguilar, not Cortes (who's unfamiliar with Mayan protocol), to return & send persons of rank to negotiate. Tomorrow, talks will begin.

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500 years ago TODAY: The Battle of Centla takes place on Father Olmedo recites mass in Latin to the Castilians before the battle.

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Saludos, ¡Estoy notando que este de guerreros de Tabasco tiene escudos inexactos! Lee gratis una versión precisa de la Guerra Azteca-Española: https://t.co/24F7nuADhR

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Tapia believes the unfortunate events over the last few days are actually Divine Provenance. God's plan to help the Spaniards by providing a translator: Aguilar. They don't realize that because Aguilar only speaks Maya, he will be useless later when dealing with Mexica.

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