Vezalius Bandageさんの新衣装お仕立てさせていただきました!
I hope you like the new outfit Thank you!

2408 10639

(compression bandage)

15 202

 第8弾 Vezalius BandageさんとVox Akumaさんを描かせていただきました!

2675 17684

Genius Studio Japan様「Bandage of Love」イラスト作業しました!

128 1422

ok this is going further than just one panel but idc anymore

for pvp design, you can see he has bandages on his left arm. You can still see it on the screen but whenever it’s about simbo imitating him, the bandage are gone/ hidden bc simbo doesn’t really see pvp pain

0 55

Didn't finish this one, but here's a mummy Enya sketch! A few more extra wraps and bandages.

5 27


Halloween bandages

50 594

More samples
She has old scars on her right arm and both thighs, which she hides with bandages.

14 156

Bandages have lots of uses

253 2261

BANDAGEのキレッキレのダンスがめっちゃかっこよかったのとてもすきゃ( ˘ω˘ )

2 11

Bandage hand

1585 21272


29 404

Note dechu~
To keep the different Eds apart, I have removed the pink bandage plaster.
the “meeting-helping-Yokai” Ed has only one plater and there is a different tag on the collar.

0 3

Erika knelt to bandage the boy's arm, comforting the boy with gentle words.
Johanna, who had been ready to punish the boy moments earlier, watched with displeasure.
Reluctant to confront Erika, she forced a smile and sat next to the boy, offering him chocolate
"Want some?"

6 38