//=time() ?>
I can't wait! I'm looking forward to it. See you tomorrow!!!!!!!!!💓💓🐫🐫🐫
#Aplanartist #barcodetin #BARCODEFANMEETING2024 https://t.co/8FNSfpEBjJ
SATs and Unit babies🪐🐫
My image is like this. What do you think?😆
I drew Anawin which was not damaged even if it was stabbed…
On the old execution chair……🪑
That is very suspicious…I want to draw a cartoon that I imagined. 🥳
#barcodetin https://t.co/z6YZTpcDIU
🐫💛i’m always support you from Japan!🇯🇵
What can I do……?🤔I have to cheer up his fan meeting. That's my mission….!!!!!!!!!!💪
And I want to see the UNIT!!!!🐫💛
#barcodetin #unit
Happy Ending First Sneak Peek!!!!!!
I'm too excited and can't wait! 🥳
#JeffSatur #barcodetin
#m1keangelo #Jorin4EVE
Art! Ada yg punya brush yg mirip2 gini ga yaa? Soalnya itu barcodenya gabisa ke baca:(
Pic : pinn
おめでとう🍾UNIT💛💜1周年ーー✨これからも応援してゆきます❣️ #BarcodeTin #Unit1stAnniversary #UNIT
Non!!!! I wonder if he's alive, too. What will happen? #BarcodeTin #Unit https://t.co/MtJ0oXqHYl
The past episodes featuring Non, played by #BarcodeTin,are wonderful. What happens at the end of a short film? Someone is lying…And is anyone spying? You can't miss it again next week. I am also curious about Keng. I want to know his real face…. Is he a good person? #DFF_EP6
DFF! DFF! #เพื่อนตายDFF ❣️
今週の土曜日、やっとNon(Barcodeくん)に会えます!Jinはなぜ彼を気に入ったのか?Topとは初めからバチバチだった?? Keng先生はどこにいる?
みんなで盛り上がろ〜💛 #DFF_EP5
DFF -Dead Friend Forever-
#เพื่อนตายDFF #BarcodeTin #ta_nannakun #Copperphuriwat #usnttr #2jkhunchalach #jjaypf #FuaizThanawat #bump_pawat #MioAthens #jet_bundit #perthpsr #DFF_EP4
#HappyNewYear #Saturdayss #JeffSatur #Unit #BarcodeTin #JeffBarcode #HNY2024 #KimChay
今年はお絵描き少なかった…けど、JeffくんBarcodeくんはじめBOCメンバーを描きました🥹来年こそは絵のお手伝いができるよう練習するのと、漫画をたくさん描けるように精進します✒️ そして鮮度ある絵が描けますように✒️🥹✨
#Saturdayss #JeffSatur #Unit #BarcodeTin #JeffBarcode
barcode MV is really great.
It is painful to see him cry to sleep. Wipe your tears gently. When I wake up, I want to make barcodes laugh a lot and make them happy. * My art is an image of a lover who cannot be seen…😏😏😏 #barcodetin #nomoredream_mv