Dr. Blight from Captain Planet.
She-Hulk from Marvel.
Jessica Rabbit.
Red Monika from Battlechasers.

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My favorite wargolem, Calibretto from I éove the redisign from the game.

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suggested I try redraw a character before I entered uni. I remember being inspired by a certain giant robot from Battlechasers.

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fanart of gully from the game battlechasers. its old i know :v

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About an hour and a half into I’m slow to adapt to different game styles, but I’m actually enjoying this so far...

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Speaking of Think Bobby ( the little one) could servive a bout with Gully?

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I will collect social security before we see more
RT ": Aaaah! Red Monikaaa! ;) http://t.co/OHskBpAkv8"

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