Pebbowl/Sturdle/Bowlder is such a great design, I tried to do them justice!

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ugughghgh design is by kibbowle (DA)

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Contestant no.5 for our Wakfu sexywoman contest:
Maude aka. the Masked Gobbowler!!!

From the Brakmar Gobbowl arc in S2, a player even more skilled than Kriss??? and our first Sram to join^^

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Two Trabbowl hatchlings I did yesterday to de-stress \o/
Tried new lineart brush with them, I'll stay with it for a while

2 8

13- Legend

Still in Bonta, Our little group couldn't pass the occasion to get their hands on Issé's new idol goodies. Issé always has been a big Gobbowl fan.

4 15

hhhaahah :"D
and I read the replies. why do people not like series with gobbowl???? terribly....

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Some halloween-themed designs & species hybrids! Trabbowl, Pterabble, Sugarbii and Cappinix!

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Quick Sketch Commission for NBbowler that he got as a gift for Antonia Pinnola on FB ~ Enjoy ~!

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He might be a famous Gobbowl player, but Tolot is an Enutrof first and foremost! Quick on his feet and loving money, isn't that a combo?

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