Copped this inspired and had to tie it in with

My favourite track (from the year I was born, weirdly).

you like this one sir?

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character & sets from the music videos i made this year as designer toy illustrations (complete with accessories lmao) PART 2

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character & sets from the music videos i made this year as designer toy illustrations (complete with accessories lmao)

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oc de mi amiga Agüita mineral, se llama Eva y es hermosa dasjkjsdk uwu🛐✨

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Another of my attempts to ruin your childhood.

Sonic came to me one day, he said he wanted to be buff too. I told him I only made buff babes. So, we made a deal.

Sonic: Totally worth it!

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for this music video we're starting! the song is called 'Side Effects Included.' can you tell i grew up on and lol

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12/23 波の上MUSICプレゼンツ BIGBEAT での第2回目BEATBATTLE出場します🔊連覇目指して頑張ります!宜しくお願いします!#波の上MUSIC

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波の上MUSIC presents

12月23日 (日) at. 熱血社交場
open 22:00〜

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