bla bla bla money bla bla bla

25 184

Weils ja lange nicht mehr so viel gab, wegen Prüfungen und bla bla bla...
Hier mein neuste Projekt, schonmal als LineArt.

1 31




22 393

Gas is still a bit high for minting and listing and bla bla
I will keep you updated.

How are you?? Have u any plans for today?

5 28

if you see this tweet, quote with 4 pics that expose your taste in men

black hair black hair black hair black hair bla

0 59

something something its april 1st blah blah i love her bla bla

3 20

i hate when ppl see a south park oc that is accessorised and/or has alternative fashion and are like "ugh so unrealistic bla bla bla" like bro cmon

18 123

hit tweet bla bla whatever FOLLOW ME!!!!!

3 56

theres no deadline, changes to pose and stuff is a-okay, no winners this is just for funsies

use the tag and bla bla watch me put on clown makeup when no one enters

miya ref

0 8

f : *talking about how ruby should know her place bla bla bla basically talked shit*
r : you speak as if you know my husband very well.
f : oh my, were you offended?
r : it can't be! actually, iz has never brought up the story of the young lady.


86 678

Yang being "Bla~ke... it's your turn" sounds like they've adopted a baby that woke them in the middle of the night

185 1377

Hey!!, you can follow me if you like, I make more silly fanarts and draws and things and bla bla bla

please and thank you

7 53

Enaknya dingin2 gini pergi kemping sm Taesoo, duduk di depan api unggun, terus ngomongin Jihoon.

"Bang, sbnrnya knp gen1 harus dihapuskan?"

"Begini ma, aku tau bla bla" enak bgt cerita ama dia, suara nya nenangin, suara ranting2 terbakar di api unggun jg mengiringi obrolan kami

3 39

Me alegra poder tomar decisiones sobre mi aspecto ahora 😤
No querían que me cortara el pelo más arriba de los hombros y no me dejaban usar ropa negra por que no era "femenino" o "bonito para una niña" bla bla bla 🙄🙄🙄
Bueno Adivinen que hice 😈😈😈😈

16 239

A la place de mon bla bla incessant sur des films dont personne n'a l'intérêt voilà un dessin réalisé à Berck sur mer

1 12