The US is a fucking nightmare rn. My heart goes out to everyone protesting and all the families. Please be safe. I love you all. I stand with you. 👊🏿👊🏾👊🏽👊🏼

0 0

stay save everyone.☺️#BLACK_LIVES_MATTERS

0 1

>-> Did some art for a thing that's gonna happen. Realized Junji Ito's Vibe fits my art style. Anyway.

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6 12

Trump is a fascist and fascists are evil; naturally he tries to point to anti-fascists as the 'real problem' when this fish is rotting FROM THE HEAD.

do you want a revolution

140 329


Uma mãe, um pai, um filho, um irmão, um amigo, um vizinho ou uma pessoa que você nem conhece, É UMA VIDA.

Fiz a família que mais amo; Nitt uma mãe humana e sua filha alien adotiva Dia

164 771

Hi, If you donate to any Black Lives Matter charity (links in thread) with a donation of 3$ or more, and send me proof of donation, I'll do a drawing of any person/character/your OC in the style of adventure time, animal crossing or gravity falls.

31 72

New art by

I will continue to support and spread the awareness of ! While we shall celebrate pride month, it should not silence the protests and the brave people 💜

1 8

Mi pequeño homenaje a George Floyd, asesinado por la policía de Minneapolis. Unidos contra el racismo y el fascismo.

167 464

I'm not black, but I see you.
I'm not black, but I hear you.
I'm not black, but I mourn with you.
I'm not black, but I will fight for you.

0 0


Vamos resistir ✊🏽

410 1440

pls let’s celebrate reaching that one b by doing the right thing

27 54

All we want is peace and justice for all of our brothers and sisters. All we want is for the cops that murdered PEOPLE to be behind bars. That is all we want. We shouldn’t have to fight for basic human rights.

2 8


10 28

i did this poster to support the it took me 6 hours so if you see this reply with the # and please share it🤍 NO JUSTICE NO PEACE

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