*hq haiiii sender bikin akun baru khusus hype anime jd mau cari moots nih~ freepass utk pencinta para kapten terutama ushiwaka🔥, brotp ushioi bokuroo, dan lg hype wbk sakumeng juga👀 i'm ok with any ships✨ rep dengan kapten fav kalian nanti sender sapa✨

9 108

*hq captains no pair

Kronologi :

1. Ushi dicegat, bokurooik maksa nebeng
2. Kuroo nyetir karna dia anak racing
3. Oik di atas karna dia yg paling enteng
4. Bokuto bagian dadah² ke semua orang

72 695

helloo !! i'm in the mood of expanding my social circle, i need lots of *hq enthu on my tl! brief info my account is unlabeled and i post other animanga too :] homophobic strictly dni, i'm okay with any ship. please leave a trace if you’re interested! (bokuroo (cont)

0 32

*hq contains m/m bokuroo

Kalian merasa gak sih kalo bokuroo tuh cocok di semua relationship?Mau hubungan mereka platonic, romantic, rival, friends, lover, partner atau enemy🫶🫶

32 530

Keycharm I did for zine ! Leftovers are open, bokuroo lovers, it's your opportunity, there's tons of sweet art and merches to get♥️

21 41

ORANGE you glad that starts in 3 days? 🍊 These boys sure are!!!


11 33


твои глаза это ты ещё
сводят меня жопу
с ума не видел

20 177

A little BoKuroo fun times as chosen by the p&tr0ns, check out the full 🔗⤵️

8 20

prompts to get everyone ripe and ready for sweetness and shenanigary. Really excited to see what will come from them this April! ❤️💛

[additional info in replies]

49 79

is happening April 1 🦉🐈 ‼️
Prompts are revealed on the 14th, see you then!

42 109

아카아시 영어 공부 도와주는 쿠로오랑 보쿠토 그저 크로와상이 먹고 싶었던 케이지군

36 113


16 67

they abuse photobooth filters and props

— tags:

153 486