Can you resist the Siren's call?

Chapter 02 has you take a break from the action to slow down and get to know more about some of the inner workings of PHASe. The kind of stuff you can't find in a manual. The Siren Eight will be your main guide...#TTEOTS

421 1875

I'm just imagining Yoonji as another operative in the game, disguising as Four. Or maybe, she's the secret operative in the whole game and she's the one who is controling the game.. ok I'll stop.

30 214

People are saying that Four doesn’t look like Yoongi but... they’re so alike, and I LOVE THIS HAIRSTYLE! The game is beautiful and amazing, thank you thank you ♡

76 538

"Somewhere out there is someone who understands me. I want to believe that." -

187 1473

Oh my... hahahaha *she can't help but laugh*

This is so amazing.
I finished the art last April 15 -is on my timeline - and i started to draw in March, but i already had the idea even before then.


4 22

I love drawing chibi doodle like this uwu

Anyway, I present to you The Love of my life, Operative Seven✨Can’t wait for the game update! Also expect me to upload the other operatives later~

29 278

All my fanart so far...the progress🙄 I should have drawn something again but somehow I couldn’t finish anything I started...I‘m stuck 😅

25 280

Let's give another try! `w´ I will not give up! Here is our beloved ~ I'm still so happy with the result! 🧡

47 398

After all this time! Finally! Operative Five is finished! *-* 🧡 Inspired in his "On a mission" ~

4 15


As the only non-BTS fan artist, Audia will fill out an important role in the art team: detailed full body work from a game art perspective. We're looking forward to his cool character designs ^^
One more to go!

159 1151


XiaoHui was an artist we reached out to in the hopes she would be able to carry on a similar style. Her art has a pure charm that feels beautifully alive. We look forward to working with her!

745 2938

He got the girls swooning 👀
Well, except for Seven...

102 667

And finally, everyone meet the High Priestess!

Or at least my interpretation of her!

I'm am so not good with hands... Or dresses (see explanation below)

What's your interpretation of her? I would love to see it. Drop them down below!

8 128

Here's Temperance!

I tried to make her whiter since she probably didnt spend much in the sun because well...she dwell in the shadows 😆

Forgive me as drawing hands are not my strongest!

Hope you like her!
Drop down your Tempies below!

10 123

So there weren't many of the KAIROS triumvirate (maybe bec they havent really shown their faces yet) but I kinda wanted to draw them so I hope you'll like my interpretation of them

Here's the MAGICIAN (w/o the mask)

Say Hi, Mags!...or not

8 108

I collard with !! She did the fabulous sketch and I lined and coloured ❤️❤️❤️
Thanks for collabing~

19 269

Day 2 of !! Today, it's s turn, working off some stress from work.

Thanks to for the challenge. I'm enjoying it a lot ^^

16 196

First day of (and first drawing uploaded here, yey). Five's story struck very deep.

15 190