~The "Baes" couldn't be more sweeter, Could they? ☺️ (I need that kinda hug 🥺)

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~I wonder.. 🤔 Who's having their Period Right now? 🤣 (Major problem indeed ^^')

Hey.. Check out! BABE SERIES Ep. 34 + Fan Art Special (4)

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~you know.. I just realized, this Webtoon is Dangerous for the SINGLES 🤣

Don't miss Dare of

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Okay this cracked me up 🤣
Liz is like a small fish Lost in a big Pond 😂 Yes just a Pond xD
Go Read it folks~

Don't miss Are You Lost Baby Girl? of
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~Geez.. these two really 😅

Don't miss Boom! of Go Read it Now..
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Gamers can absolutely relate to this one ^^ ~I'm not a gamer but likewise I also have my own Virtual World esp. When I'm turning on my fanmode or Making fanarts xD Sometimes.. its good to have an scapegoat from Reality once in awhile

Ep. 27

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Ah yes. Me. My girlfriend. And her $500 baby M4A1 Airsoft.

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At a time Like this.. I wish I have a "Mind Reading Ability" ^^' ~I really wonder what's on that Blank

Don't miss What's on her mind? of Go! Read it now Folks 👍
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I now Confirmed it's "SUMMER" Already 😎 xD ~Don't forget to Read

Don't miss Breaking the Fourth Wall: She's A Keeper of
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~OMG! Liz ambushed! The PC 😂

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Babe Series Q&A Special Part 1 Featuring Liz & Zoey Gender-bend
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I think she didn't shrink.. ^^' just her natural height xDD

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When your Bae is on a mission to annoy you but unfortunately end up being annoyingly Cute instead lmao "Mission Failed" 🤣 its worth a shot tho xD

Babe Series ep. 13

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