Eine Meise sein, oder eine solche kleine haben.... Wer sagt der Bachstelze aus dem Archiv, dass sie keine Schwanzmeise ist?

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Four movie posters with art by Eduardo Muñoz Bachs (1937-2001).

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These are my electronic works based on images by the Cuban poster and comic book artist Eduardo Muñoz Bachs. They were drawn in August 2022.
I don't know for sure if I will do more such electronic works based on his posters, it's hard to say that for sure yet.

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Tomorrow its the Classic Car Show. Come along between 10am and 4pm for loads of fun, food and beautiful vehicles! From Ferraris to fire engines, and motorbikes to Maybachs


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Singing birds

Names in German & Latin
Zaunkoenig, Zaunschluepfer, Nachtigall, Rothschwanz, Weisschwanz, Bachstelze, Drossel, Rosendrossel, Goldamsel, Leyerschwan, Kahlamsel
Steel engraving by Soltuekow for "Okens Allgemeine Naturgeschichte " ca 1845.

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Black Panther Legends - (W) (A) Ramon Bachs, Enid Balam (CA) (VCA) (VCA) Joshua Swaby - in stores this week! https://t.co/RbYw10R7Zj -

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Released on this day in 2002, "Star Wars: Open Seasons featured words by Haden Blackman and art by Ramon F. Bachs

More info on https://t.co/7QGQGM8NDH

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Just watched the video of Bach’s Concerto for Four Harpsichords BWV1065 by
So inspired that I was compelled to draw antique harpsichords.

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Hans Drawe für „Es kommt die Zeit“
Ein schweigender Himmel

hoch, weiß, von seltsamer Klarheit

und Stille.

Gleich einer Bachschen Fuge,

nur eben still.

Selbst die Tannen am Berghang

haben das Atmen ... https://t.co/4ndMwHihmE

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Art Prints of these individually, and combined, will be available tonight on my website.

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„Lauterbachs Corona-Rede:
„Ich weiß, dass wir das schaffen werden““

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Impresionante dibujo de Ramon F. Bachs aparecido en el cuarto boletín de la Asociación de Amigos del Guerrero del Antifaz.
Muchas gracias,
En breve, publicaremos el boletín 5 para los socios. Mas información en asociacionelguerrerodelantifaz.com

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But Generation X is where it starts proper. And Chris Bachslo's art here is some of the best he's done! And I just realised that Jubilee's "When I was with the X-Men..." and the other kids' reaction is literally Uncle Albert's "During the war..." from Only Fools and Horses!

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♢ Joker/Mask Textless Cover by R.F. Bachs

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ETERNALS FOREVER by Ralph Macchio and Ramón Bachs

ETERNALS: CELESTIA by Keiron Gillen and Kei Zama

What is being constructed in the main ETERNALS book is really something special, so I am happy to see those foundations get built upon. Plus, an appearance from Fan Fei!

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Buffy The Vampire Slayer - (W) , (A) Ramon Bachs (CA) (VCA) Marina Julia (VCA) - in stores this week! https://t.co/RbYw10R7Zj -

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