Tanner would make a GREAT Red Robin imo. I’ve seen him in Cobra Kai and he’s definitely more than capable of portraying a member of the Batfamily. Idk why people dislike him so much, he’s a fine actor. https://t.co/0hpvHxUExu

30 214

without a doubt, the most underrated relationship in the Batfamily.

10 86

Day 14: Caught.
I've always loved the artwork in the Batwoman comics and I've been wanting to explore more of the batfamily. But, God help me, I couldn't resist using red in this one.
I tried to stay black and white, but it just looks so much better like this.

4 9

Having Martha Wayne become the Flashpoint Joker to her husband's, Thomas Wayne's, Batman and Beth Kane become Alice to her sister's, Kate Kane's, Batwoman were some of the best decisions in the history of the Batfamily.

3 8

I would love for to write a titled or & the Loved her run on & would love to see the next girl group to focus of the

11 79

Characters who deserved their own movie at DCAMU.

I would love a movie with adult Damian. ❤️
Raven working with Zatanna. 💜
Raven working with the batfamily.❤️💜

The DCAMU had a lot of potential.

11 62

This applies to the book. Tom King has an elderly Selina take the Joker's life. That's NOT her style. It's a bad creative decision, because it's what Andrea or Talia would do. With her husband gone, I would've preferred seeing old Selina lead the Batfamily. https://t.co/1CqtyELb5V

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Tim Drake is ROBIN again in upcoming Batman projects after Young Justice finale. Damian is no longer Robin or Friend of the Batfamily. Similar to his Beyond Future. Perhaps fallout? Red hood no longer an Outlaw and DG back as Nightwing. Nov 2020 not bad

15 93

Interesting choice But not the best

This s the only thing that could change. Itd be nice if Affleck & Ayer help w/ That.
(BC inside the movies Its NEVER shown the IDENTITY of Robin)(so he still can be turned into Jason Todd)

& It works quite better BC It expands th Batfamily.

0 4

Vamos falar sobre uma animação que não viu a luz do dia.

O projeto "House of Batman" desenvolvido pela sodamonkeyent, era uma animação focada no Batman e Batfamily.

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More of my Summer2017 art from Tumblr on the Batfamily.

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