❀ Don't forget to take a seat, let me cut you a slice of my birthday cake ❀

Really pretty birthday art, featuring my new outfit~! Heheh, I love the details and colours so much. Thank you @/ninomarukokuzu !

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Oh right! Now that everyone has seen my new outfit, please see these cute icons by !!!


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Zane and I really like sweets, so we often go to nice cafes and try lots of desserts together!

Do you have a favourite dessert?

Art by @/wawatiku

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"This café is really cute, Zane!"

"Mm! I thought you'd like it, Bel."


Would it be terrible of me to buy three more desserts?

Art by @/kotohatoko510

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Happy Lunar New Year! Zane has being showing me some of the customs that are experienced during this time. ❀

She even bought me these lovely clothes, I’m told it’s tradition to receive new clothes? I love them!

Art by @/kanyu0316

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I only just got to say thanks for 100 followers recently, and now I'm past 200?!

❀ G-goodness, thank you my doves for all the support ❀

This beautiful art by came in at the best time right? 市谷さん、本当にありがとうございます!!

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❀ It’s hard work doing magic, but I make it look easy~! ❀

What a beautiful skeb request by the amazing !!!! I love this so much, it’s gorgeous. ❀ Nimaさん、本当にありがとうございます!とても嬉しい!!!(〃ω〃)

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