A primer on dew collection for next Beltane...

by Adam Oehlers

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Young spring
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Winter has receded. Nature has blossomed, ready to receive and give, love and give birth. The Wheel has taken another turn.

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It's time for A fire festival lasting from the evening of 30th April till the evening of 1st May.

The May Queen and the Green Man meet, she strips him of his winter attire and brings him back to life. Then, they light the traditional bonfire. 🌿

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In Celtic myth the goddess Cailleach personifies winter reigning from Samhain until Beltane. It is said that if Imbolc is warm and sunny, Cailleach will collect more firewood, and prolong winter. An overcast day signals she has overslept and spring is on its way.

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Commission for of her druid, Beltane.🍃 Thanks for commissioning me :)

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Cheers, Unseelie. I hope you enjoy holding court while the veil is thin on Beltane.

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En la noche del 30 de abril al 1 de se celebra la festividad de En esa noche, el Rey Roble y la Reina de Mayo deben de enamorarse para que llegue la luz a esta nueva etapa 💚🌸💚 .

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The Celtic Otherworld is a realm of everlasting beauty, joy & youth. It can be accessed by burial mounds or caves, but is often visited by chance or invitation. It's thought that contact with the Otherworld is possible during Samhain & Beltane.

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The is the tree & is a symbol of the fire festival The cutting of hawthorn (May blossom) is sacred to the goddess Brighid, & signifies new life & fertility. Known as a faery tree, the hawthorn should never be harmed. Img: Cicely Barker

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