13. (Driscoll)

He should've gotten more episodes as the main villain of Season 4 in the original series, but I like Driscoll's background as a former Plumber and him forming the Negative 10 which is basically own Sinister Six

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One of most personal villains as he was the one that cruelly took Ben's favourite alien away from the Omnitrix. Malware also had a pretty interesting background with Azmuth that adds depth to his motivations that I really like

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What is some old art that still needs to be updated, similar to these updates of Armodrillo and Disk Jockey?

Post your suggestions below. Non-transformations like Rook and Vlad are acceptable, too!

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Totally real not April fools fact

alien Portaler will be coming to Smash Ultimate as the next DLC fighter

Portaler is the one alien that can be in the game as he is from a video game and not the show

The Ink Tank is collaborating with Sakurai to include the 5YL design

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Some items from the RedHeadXilamGuy Hate Art Hall of Shame:
1. His painting of as a psychotic prisoner, a la Jack Nicholson in ONE FLEW OVER THE CUCKOO'S NEST
2. Him attempting a -esque spoof of popularity (which proves to be a dud).

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