Day 21 of is one I didn't even realize WAS so good. Super Metroid's Japanese artwork is amazing in how it sets the mood. Samus running yet fighting, Ridley & Kraid looming over her, and even Space Pirates in the background. This is utterly fantastic.

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Day 18 of is the gorgeous Odin Sphere. The luscious art combined with the young girl staring in awe makes this a standout cover. It's even better when you realize the framing device is the girl reading a book so the characters are literally coming to life for her.

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Day 17 of is Power Stone! Man, between this, Soul Calibur, Jet Set Radio, & more, it's a wonder I never got a Dreamcast. The Japanese box art is definitely the best with its plethora of characters, fun art style, and emphasis on this taking place around the world.

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Next on is Mother. A very vintage looking logo on the red box; nice and simple.

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Day 12 of and we have the good yet flawed Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance. Like many of the KH box arts we've seen, this one works best once you realize the context. The fall of Sora, Mickey desperate to save him, while Riku both rises and protects. It's great.

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Day 11 of reaches my favorite Kingdom Hearts game, Birth by Sleep. As much as I love the standard box, the Final Mix is definitely better. The poses are more dynamic and pull you in, making you curious about these new characters. But that Mickey expression...

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Day 10 of carries on with Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days! The box art has more going on than it first seems. There's a subtle transition from Destiny Islands to the World that Never Was with Roxas struggling between his friends & the Organization. Who should he trust?

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Day 8 of continues the Kingdom Hearts train! I actually enjoyed the GBA version of Chain of Memories. The opening cutscene on that system blew my mind. And the art (which is the same in all regions) is really cool. We never see the Keyblade sheathed like that.

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Day 7 of marks the start of a slight detour. With Kingdom Hearts 3 rapidly approaching, I wanted to look back at it's wonderful box art. And the best of them will always be the original. The coloring, the mood, the giant heart. I could never take my eyes away.

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