Los precios de todo en Mexico están subiendo rápido!📈

Sabes que hora es? La hora de difundir el mensaje del mejor dinero! 🌮🇲🇽

Mi charla en sobre el tema: https://t.co/8XgtRIkbKs

14 46

Tell noobs about bitcoin often. Keep that elevator pitch fresh 💊 https://t.co/IxJ63VutSf

3 26

Thanks for saying so! I'm so grateful to have this community supporting my mission and goal of spreading the message of

0 1

I'm the OG orange puller to be honest & modest 🤭

2 24

Creation and Destruction is among the deepest in meaning & symbolism of my many art creations. https://t.co/yAcB0WF4II

Although quite different from the in-your-face style, the message is consistent with the rest of my creations.. Bitcoin is 🎭

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