Attention, Earthlings! It is time to commence the celebration of the best Earth animal in existence: Bidoof! I am so happy about and I am being serious when I say he is the best! He is so dang cute~! In honor of this most esteemed creature, I bring you: MEMES! 👽💖✨

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I do not have the energy to draw new art for so here is ancient art that still holds up surprisingly well! It is Bidoof after all, not even I can screw that up.

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An important day calls for a new Pfp. Happy everyone!!💚

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Pour fêter ce 1er juillet sous le signe du nous vous proposons de (re)découvrir l'illustration de la carte Keunotor 117/160 de Primo-Choc illustrée par PLANETA ( sans son texte !

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