demands of after
It is better to go to and save the party than to speak nonsense.

In major setback for 4 of 5 party MLAs switch to पंछी हवा हो गए ओवैसी.🦴

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'Morning Lake View' (Bihar, India)

Thank you for creating and donating this piece for the art fundraiser this year to help others.

supporting Society.
Art Sale: 25/26 June in
Online sales open 29 June

14 57

For the uninitiated: Madhubani is style of Indian painting, practiced in the Mithila region of India and Nepal.
It was named after Madhubani District of Bihar, India from where it is believed to be originated. It is characterised by its eye-catching geometrical patterns.

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Madhubani Art is a style of Indian painting, practiced in the Mithila region of India and Nepal. It was named after Madhubani District of Bihar, India which is where it is originated. They predominantly have beautiful geometric shapes.

This is one of Pisces ♓️ works

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Madhubani Art (or Mithila painting) is a style of Indian painting, practiced in the Mithila region of India and Nepal.

It was named after Madhubani District of Bihar, India which is where it is originated.

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A Tamil boy meets a girl from Bihar, what follows is a love story for the ages. A non-linear narrative of two romances running in parallel from different timelines. Watch and in Book your ticket -

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Eric Arthur Blair, or George Orwell as we know him, was born today (June 25th) in 1903, in Bihar, British India. He is most famous for the novels '1984' and 'Animal Farm'.
We can thank him for phrases like 'Big Brother', 'Room 101', and 'thought police'.

1 2

Bihar, 13:30tan, Basolatik Berri Onik Ez komikia aurkeztuko dugu Durangoko Azokatik zuzenean Asisko, Dani Fano eta hiruok 🤟
Streaming bidez jarraitzen ahalko duzue azokaren webgunean:
Eta erosi komikia!! 😆😆😆

6 22

A migrant woman (25) was sexually abused in a Gaya hospital where she was kept in the isolation ward. 3 days later, after returning home she died due to excessive bleeding.

4 12

Bihar, 18:00tan, Larratxek marraztutako komikia aurkeztuko dugu Kabienen. Komikiak eta konpainia ona! Animatu! 🤩🤩🤩

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Black basalt stone of the Navagraha - the personification of the nine "planets"; individual symbols underneath each of the deities (n.d.); Vikramshila Museum, Bhagalpur, Bihar, India

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Urban Sketches marrazketa-lantegia Josu Marotorekin eta Sagar Forniesekin izanen da bihar, irailaren 30, 10:00, Kondestable Civivoxean,#010.

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28. zenbakia argitaratuko dugu bihar, eta unilateralki erabaki dugu H28ren ibilbidea etetea. Gaur aurrerapena, bihar aldizkari osoa.

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