Today on T, Tinian Monarch (Ch: chichirikan tinian)

After WWII, only 40-50 of these birds remained but they've rebounded successfully. Once found only on Tinian, they now also breed in Guguan where a backup population has been established for conservation.

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Today's S, for Sandhill Crane

I got a little carried away and had to stop myself from turning this into an actual painting, but I think that hints at how beautiful I find these birds to be.

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Today for R, for Red Crossbill.

These finches have unusual bills for prying open pine cones to get at the seeds. Why no red on this bird? Because this is a female! Often, birds are named after adult male coloration, which can be very confusing!

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Let's spin back to the other side of the Pacific again for today's M

The Mariana Fruit-Dove (Chamoru: paluman totot) is a genuine rainbow of color. It is a welcome sight in the rainforests of the Northern Mariana Islands + is the region's official bird.

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