Keet! keet! OFP & Pekapeka have formed a coalition! Both species are severely threatened by introduced predators in their habitats. You can vote here: Make sure to & this Art by

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Congratulations to the superb fairy wren for taking out this years

This blue wren has always been a personal favourite of ours and features heavily in Paperbark. Below is a wonderful illustration by of the tiny bird.

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Voting is open for There are some formidable candidates this year, including the powerful owl & laughing kookaburra. Which will take the crown?

Cast your vote:

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Ok so I just learned that in New Zealand the Kereru has been chosen as This massive,tank top wearing,fat pigeon actually gets DRUNK by eating fermented fruit! NZ, I’d LOVE to visit you someday, until then, here’s a pic of that absolute unit 🇵🇷❤️🇳🇿

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