Sharing is caring 🧊

(Originally posted sometime on July for Patreon)

16 132

Clicking with somebody for the first time, Clown is looking foward to spend more time with Black Ice as they develop their friendship.

[Clown Arc - Part 15]

1 65

What seemed to be a tedious afternoon on an unwanted social event ended up on a positive note.

[Clown Arc - Part 15]

1 72

It's great to find people who are like you

[Clown Arc - Part 15]

22 233

My god... this two are really bad at this, but in a good way, you know?

[Clown Arc - Part 14]

0 63

"You gotta wanna break the heart
Of all those pretty porcelain dolls"🎵 /ly

[Clown Arc - Part 14]

0 62

"It takes a dedicated hand
To put it through the wall"🎵 /ly

[Clown Arc - Part 14]

16 154

None of this boys seems to know how to casually talk

[Clown Arc - Part 13]

0 53

...people make it look so easy😵‍💫

[Clown Arc - Part 13]

0 60

...or you can keep your balance on the slip and skate on it!

[Clown Arc - Part 12]

1 50

On ice you can slip and fall, its a pretty embarrassing (and cold) fall

[Clown Arc - Part 12]

13 159

Clown sure is a master of first impresions, isnt he?

[Clown Arc - Part 11]

2 80

The funny pixel website trend. Actually tho I really love how these look.

4 17