The Fourth, the Third, and the First

0 1

【告知】本日、Nintendo Switch/3DS『ブラスターマスター ゼロ』用”EXプレイアブルキャラクター:えころ”[¥200税込]の配信を開始しました!6/1~14の2週間は無料です!

284 367

I drew Eve from Blaster Master Zero!

11 49

Thank you everyone who came to the stream today! I finished up this Spring piece today during it!

I hope you can all enjoy it! Happy Spring!

82 251

...but what if she was just a lil’ sprout?

54 354

cool machines? big fruits? cute plant girl? It's like this game was MADE FOR ME

152 799

🍈🌺🍈 Kanna from Blaster Master Zero 2
A new Blaster Master Zero was released and this sells itself.

297 1304

Drew up that plant chic Kanna from

33 113

Flat color art of kanna because she's a CUTIE PIE

7 26

Note: Regardless if they're organic or bio-mechanical, never feed milk to frogs. Give them fresh water instead (and maybe a bigger cup while you're at it).


A little love for Fred the Frog from & Sunsoft's

11 22