Neco-Arc Bubbles and Helena Blavatsky would have the craziest beef

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Fate シリーズ(fate series) エレナ・ブラヴァツキー(Helena Blavatsky)1,nenosame

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7 - Helena Blavatsky

One of the most straightforward supports, she grants teamwide NP charge, teamwide card effectiveness up, and 3 turn star-gen. She also has an 80% chance to boost her own NP damage granting her one of the strongest aoe caster NPs in FGO, to clear a wave.

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. 『「ヘレナ・ブラヴァツキー フルプレートアーマー」』
(Helena Blavatsky, full plate armor.)

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. 『「ヘレナ・ブラヴァツキー 鎧」』
(Helena Blavatsky, Armor.)

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. 『「ヘレナ・ブラヴァツキー」』
(Helena Blavatsky.")

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. 『「ヘレナ・ブラヴァツキー 陣羽織 日本の甲冑」』
(Helena Blavatsky, "Jinbaori, Japanese Armor.")

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. 『「ヘレナ・ブラヴァツキー 浴衣 線香花火」』
(Helena Blavatsky, yukata, sparkler.)

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. 『「ヘレナ・ブラヴァツキー」』
(Helena Blavatsky.")

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Helena Blavatsky

One of FGO’s more baffling life choices. Helena was not a pleasant person in life. While influential, she was extremely controversial with fans believing her to be a holy woman and critics accusing her of being a charlatan. (More in alt text)

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Christmas Helena Blavatsky

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I’m listening to the newest on Madame Blavatsky and I wanted to look at the wiki for her, so I Google the name, and LO AND BEHOLD Fate/Grand Order has a Madame Blavatsky unit. I am laughing SO HARD right now.

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In the Transactions of the Blavatsky Lodge, HPB describes the PRIMORDIAL SEVEN as “Forces, not human Beings”. These seven forces are “the seven energies utilized in the process of creation”.

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Helena Blavatsky Summer
Final Ascension 🥰

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Helena Blavatsky Summer ❤️

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"Uplifting of Good karma"

No cause remains without its due effect from greatest to least, from a cosmic disturbance down to the movement of your hand - The key to Theosophy, H P Blavatsky

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x Learning with Manga! Collaboration Pre-campaign - 04/20~05/04
- New PU with:
★ 5 Saber Astolfo
★ 5 Tamamo no Mae
★ 5 Rider Leonardo da Vinci
★ 5 Caster Leonardo da Vinci
★ 4 Anne Bonny & Mary Read
★ 4 Helena Blavatsky
★ 4 Marie Antoinette
& Riyo Craft Essences

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Chaque Servant ★5 sera aussi couplé à l'un des Servants ★4 suivants :

- Anne Bonny & Mary Read (Archer ★4) (🕑)
- Helena Blavatsky (Archer ★4) (🕑)
- Astolfo (Rider ★4)
- Marie-Antoinette (Caster ★4) (🕑)

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