10月30日東京アートブックフェアのEditions La Manufacture ブースにてtupera tuperaの中川がドイツ在住の作家blexbolexさんと一緒にサイン会を開催。エディション・ラ・マニュファクチュールに書き下ろしたプリント作品「静ブツブツ画」のシリーズ2点も先行発売。詳しくは→https://t.co/EFK3Va6mp5
Congratulations to Violeta Lópiz, Valerio Vidali, Daniel Salmieri, Chiara Carrer, & Blexbolex, who've all had their artwork selected for this year's @SOI128 Original Art exhibit! And Hooray (!!!) for Blexbolex, who has been awarded a Silver Medal from the Society for VACATION!
Blexbolex for his agent Illustrissimo's 15th birthday.