Single Button Games Cart contains more than games we showed during past 2 weeks. All games from original release on tape are also there! Take a look at review from to know more about them:
Then order here:

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One thing we haven't showed yet are the menu screens from the cartridges. Here we go!
Quick announcement: Beavers will have vacation in February. All orders placed until 27th of January will be sent before the break. Our little shop is here:

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It's more than a year since Dr.TerrorZ showed to the world that it is possible to make an action game using only PETSCII graphics. "Digiloi"may be short but is a high quality game. With "Fort Django", both are part of Resurrection Collection

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If you like jokes about president Trump, well, there is something for you on our cartridge! It seems like the president is naked! Actually, half-naked... just from the waist down.
Megastyle team: & have some imagination!

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