Jedním ze tří Evropských hlavních měst kultury 2024 bude 🇳🇴 Bodø, a to coby historicky první město severně od polárního kruhu. Slavnostní zahájení proběhne 3. února 2024 a jeho součástí bude spektakulární show. Víc info na Twitteru nebo na webu

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‘Arsenal FC vs FK Bodø Glimt’
Art by

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Bodø/Glimt - a massive TEAM north of the arctic circle. Let’s give them some credit! Welcome to Bodø, ❄️

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Aurora dances over us in the cold north 🌌

We had the pleasure of illustrating this shopping center in Bodø, Northern Norway - City Nord.

The surroundings are quite spectacular up North..

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The incredible TEAM and togetherness of FK Bodø/Glimt 🤜🤛

Collage of some of the many illustrations we made of Glimt in 2021.

This was also used as a an exclusive gift and poster for all the staff and players at .

Thanks for the commission.

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Cecilie Hansen from Hamarøy, was in 1888 the first Norwegian woman to take to the skies... with a balloonist 😊 Text & photo from

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'A Sami family cooking dinner in a goahti, Lapland'. This painting by Norwegian artist Vincent Stoltenberg Lerche (1837-1892) is part of the Bodøgaard art collection in

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Motif from by artist Peder Balke (1804-1887), unsung forerunner of modernism

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An Italian Air Force Typhoon departing Bodø. © Kim Vanvik

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Finally the book is here! "Norske byer fra A til Å". A search and find book about various citys in Norway. Our illustration: Bodø!

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Teaser of the "Æ elska Bodø" illustration for Figenschou forlag. The full illustration comes out in the spring. Stay tuned for more!

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Det nærmer seg Opptur i Bodø. Vi har laget den nye hjemmesiden til festivalen! :)

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Hey Bodø! A new summer festival in Northern Norway is coming soon. Opptur 2016. We have designed the new profile.

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Det er på Din Plass det skjer i September. God helg, Bodø!

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TGIF! Digital paint of this legend from Bodø. Up for sale at

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Had to take my picture for Christmas. I have never looked more symmetrical

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In the city of Bodø, this was football's answer to Pirlo! Never forget. RT

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