Vix recorded a video showcasing their colection of bodypillows, soiled diapers, and poop; Which caused controversy

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Angra was spotted handing over a mysterious suitcase to Kaiser Euric at VR Chat, Dingolf, a bystander, suspects it's full of bodypillows.

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Ingo and Emmet bodypillows available now
Stock is limited!

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i don't know why "exclusively owns bodypillows of robots" is a running gag on my channel and i've got too much going on already to look inward and figure it out

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Mila is leaving the fandom, and joining the bodypillows fandom instead

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Kouki was spotted handing over a mysterious suitcase to Mars at a dark alley, Furok, a bystander, suspects it's full of bodypillows.

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PapaBray wasted all their money on bodypillows and now will have to move back in with mom

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Eriah was spotted handing over a mysterious suitcase to Cobalt at Kabul, Auro, a bystander, suspects it's full of bodypillows.

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Angra was spotted handing over a mysterious suitcase to Usagi at Kabul, Severus, a bystander, suspects it's full of bodypillows.

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Merrin wasted all their money on bodypillows and now will have to move back in with mom

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Other Vtuber Merch: Bodypillows, Keychains, Stickers

Me: Warlock Cereal

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Rocky recorded a video showcasing their colection of poop, stolen fursuits, and bodypillows; Which caused controversy

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Sunny Racc recorded a video showcasing their colection of RGB lighting, stolen fursuits, and bodypillows; Which caused controversy

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Legoshi was eliminated by an exceedingly deadly force after touching bodypillows that belonged to McKenzie without permission

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Myste: 'I can't stop making love to bodypillows!'

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Xolo sells bodypillows for a living

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Johannes sold their house to buy bodypillows, now they will head out to Club Amorous and ask if they can live there.

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Xolo started a cooking channel on YouTube! Their first dish: bodypillows with poop sauce. It was swarmed with dislikes.

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Leaked screenshots of Berry's secret alt account, where they pretend to be a switch shows that they are a conservative and praise bodypillows as if they were in some kind of a colonialism cult

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Phozzy is leaving the fandom, and joining the bodypillows fandom instead

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