!!! i don't think i ever shared these stickers i did as a bonus for all those years ago?

1 3

bokukuroo, prompt was: Too late at night/Your castle, so naturally, a vampire au! bokuto is the poor unsuspecting postman https://t.co/qhYxnEf2rP

0 0

today's polyamorous ship of the day is bokukuroaka / bokuakakuro from haikyuu!!! in consists of bokuto koutarou, kuroo tetsurou, and akaashi keiji!

3 16

for dedek
I always open for commission! DM me if you're interested 💕

0 2

"Hold me steady one last time."

12 68

I don't why I drew this but I just felt like it and actually do like the result.
might delete it again tho idk

28 111


31 198

I love them and I'm not going to stop drawing them
I used CSP for the first time and it's amazing :D

50 234


it was too late when I realized I drew Akaashi and Kuroo in the same pose ;A; its my fave one

7 24

If Bokuto’s pupils dilated


384 1332

happy spoopy month from these bitey bois

200 696

dumb comic. no harming the angel.



11 31

Маленькая wip'ка. Прямое продолжение предыдущего рисунка.

Спойлерить весь пейринг или сами догадаетесь?
пока что🤫

57 406

I'm just gonna be uploading a bunch of old art bc I'm moving from tumblr to here 😅

20 64

Drawing Kuro's face was my most favorite part of art ahaha

2 14