Like virtually all his contemporaries, the return to peacetime after the end of WW1 was hard for David Bomberg. Although in opposition to his pre-war practice, he experimented with working en plein air at this time; this work was most likely made near Alton in Hampshire.

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'Barges on the Canal.' (1919) The subject of barges was to fascinate David Bomberg. Brought up in the ghettos of the East End of London where poverty was the norm he felt a natural affinity with the under-privileged, outsider figures, that lived on the barges of London's canals.

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During today's free 10-minute talk we'll be looking at Veronese's 'Unfaithfulness' and how this painting inspired the young David Come along to Room 11 at 4pm:

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During today's free 10-minute talk we'll be looking at Veronese's 'Unfaithfulness' and how this painting inspired the young David Come along to Room 11 at 4pm:

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