Next character portrait is dedicated to everyone who backed the Bone Herder by !! Seeing everyone dig all the work put into this is still such a huge thrill🤘✍💀

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Less than 36 hours to go now! We're excruciatingly close to our next stretch goal!! Again, thank you doesn't even cover how grateful we all are for the love you guys have shown this project!

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with a variant cover and print. Peep that kente cloth?

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It would be a shame if some of my favorite black authors saw my Bone Herder work and shared it my Kickstarter and blew it up. A certain Nebula winner. One with a cat that looks like it’s from Saga. And more 👀 I shamelessly self promoting right? I’m so tired.

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Some close ups of the art I worked on for The Bone Herder comic! Really pleased with how these turned out and can't wait for the kickstarter launch on June 6th!

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We're five days away from Bone Herder launching on Kickstarter on 6/9. I will drop more of the amazing art that are putting out.

You should follow them. They deserve it

Let's go! This Cass Poster will be available as a reward!

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and withdifferent images of Cass, our mentee. She is ripped from her family and forced into an ancient and violent tradition

I love both images. Cass at the moment of innocence loss and Cass in the midst of training

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I hired an artist to do the initial art and a first page. The Kickstarter is to fund the rest! I only did the writing. :)

and are doing the concept art/sequential art! Here is some of their work below!

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