October 11, 1931: An art exhibit, showing 51 paintings by Aleister Crowley, opened at the Gallery Neumann-Nierendorf in Berlin, Germany.
Portrait by Travis Simpkins

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August 23, 1910: Aleister Crowley's "Rite of Artemis" was presented for the public and members of the press at the office of The Equinox in London.
Portrait by Travis Simpkins

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In Thelema, August 12 is celebrated as the Feast of the First Night of the Prophet and His Bride.
Portrait by Travis Simpkins

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August 3, 1931: Aleister Crowley met Bertha Busch, known as "Billie", who would become his new Scarlet Woman.
Portrait by Travis Simpkins

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March 20, 1904: Aleister Crowley performed the Supreme Invocation of Horus, which formally initiated the Aeon of Horus.
Portrait by Travis Simpkins

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