Don't remember if I ever posted this commission I did last year because I keep commissions in a separate folder and that messes with my bookkeeping, but I wanted to make sure people see it because funny giraffe gags.

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So many tasks, bookkeeping, and deadlines to keep track of as part of moving, moving into a new apartment, starting a new job, taxes, and other stuff happing around the same time. Stessful to keep track of everything and stay on top of it

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Risk Hunter Organization Management Staff takes care of all the bookkeeping, infrastructure, bounties, bestiaries, hunter status, etc. Most towns will have an office, though small settlements must either call for assistance from the nearest hunter office or house a local hunter.

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We’re hiring! We’re looking for someone to join the team and help with finance - bookkeeping, payments etc. likely 8 hours a week, flexible times and days. If interested email with subject line ’finance’.

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accounting system setup for new services, business preparation & more

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