12 Days of Bookmas Day 10: “Lords Leaping aka Best Leading Lad”

Yadriel of {Cemetery Boys} by Aiden Thomas! “Ghost story turned rom-com”, found family, wholesome AF with diverse characters and a lead that knows who he is and what he wants!

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12 Days of Bookmas Day 6: “Geese Laying aka Interesting Worldbuilding”

{Persephone Station} by Stina Leicht! Excellent group of badass diverse queer characters, great worldbuilding, “alien” races, and fight sequences!

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12 Days of Bookmas Day 5: “Golden Rings aka Favorite Villain”

{A Lesson in Vengeance} by Victoria Lee! I will not say the character I am thinking of because spoilers, but if you know you know. No one is truly who they seem to be...

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12 Days of Bookmas Day 3: “French Hens aka Favorite Trilogy”

The {His Dark Materials} Trilogy by Philip Pullman! A classic YA series with fantasy and scifi adventure elements, and a favorite of mine from childhood that is due for a re-read!

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For March Ill also include I likes.

Links in 2nd part!

Dues Vult!
Coming to Power!
Heroes Unleashed! Penance!
Dark Titan Entertainment!

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Merry Bookmas! 🥳📚✨

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It's March! 3rd Month of We have Pulp! Sword and Planet, Lovecraftian Noir and Space Opera!
https://t.co/7FRxctQKWR Most excellent pulp!
https://t.co/q6oNtgSHOW 5th Book Due this month!
https://t.co/x7fIjDSdtR You will want more!
https://t.co/wNVX0YsL2u The Omnibus!

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It’s Day 2 of our 12 Days of Bookmas where we showcase some of our favourite books from this year.

‘Power to the Princess’ is a stunning book by retelling 15 fairytales with added girl power and is gorgeously illustrated throughout by

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you’ll find me chowing down at any feast in REDWALL. Brian Jacques is the only man who can make my mouth water for a salad.

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