Flaming torch bromeliads (Billbergia pyramidalis) are terrestrial and epiphytic. from Annales de la Société Royale d'Agriculture et de Botanique de Gand, T.3 (1847), edited by Charles Morren, via Botany Libraries: https://t.co/mRZv5VeD3v

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a cultivar of Sturt's Desert Pea (Swainsona formosa), one of Australia's most recognizable by P. Stroobant for "L'Illustration Horticole", Vol. 12 (1865), contributed in by the Raven Library of ➡️ https://t.co/qbuvycC92J

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+ Watercolors by Harriet Godhue Williams in a manuscript recording the plants in her husband, Stephen W. Williams', Herbarium. In thanks to ➡️ https://t.co/JLGzVhadRA

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Pitcher plants (Nepenthes x mastersiana). from The Journal of Horticulture, Cottage Gardener, and Home Farmer, Ser. 3 Vol. 5 (1882), edited by Robert Hogg. Contributed in by the of : https://t.co/Tck7toaZiG

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Blue Passionflower (Passiflora caerulea). by Mary Ann Burnett for her Plantae Utiliores, Vol. 1 (1842). Contributed to by the Research Library of : https://t.co/tqziBkNZli

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Rhododendron discolor is native to many high altitude regions of by Matilda Smith for Curtis's Botanical Magazine, Vol. 143 (1917). Contributed to by the Peter H. Raven Library of the : https://t.co/LT7c3qtv9C

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(Callistephus chinensis). by Pierre-Joseph Redouté for his Choix des Plus Belles Fleurs: et des Plus Beaux Fruits (c1833). Contributed for digitization by the Peter H. Raven Library of : https://t.co/Dy0cBy0k6T --

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Rats have been found trapped within Nepenthes rajah! Curtis's Botanical Magazine, V131 (1905). https://t.co/PRc30ZQErX

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