Sometimes I can spend a lot of time to find good references of plants and then I remember I have FUCKING BOTANICUM WHICH IS EXCELENT REFERENCE FOR PLANTS. I really have one brain cell most of the time.

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EL BLOG DE LA TABLA: Botanicum. Viaje a través de la botánica con ilustraciones de Katie Scott via

9 28

Botanik illüstrasyonu dijital olarak çalışan ve pek çok markayı desenleri ile esinlendiren Katie Scott ın Botanicum isimli kitabından:

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キャサリン・J・ウィリス教授 著Botanicum Activity Bookどこにも出掛けたくない雨の日お茶とお菓子を用意して、こんな本で遊ぶのも休日の過ごし方として悪くないのではないかと思う。迷路や塗り絵やクイズ。辞書を片手に子どもの頃のワークブックみたいに。

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Katherine J. Willis 著 Katie Scottイラスト「Botanicum (Welcome to the Museum) 」 英国キュー植物園が監修した子ども向けの植物図鑑ではあるが、オトナも楽しめる美しさ。

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Botanicum. Viaje a través de la botánica con ilustraciones de Katie Scott via

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Carnivorous plants from 's work on her latest book And since y…

1 3

In today's Showcase, we catch up with Katie Scott to talk about her stunning new book, Botanicum...

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'Botanicum' despliega una deslumbrante historia de los seres más antiguos del planeta: las plantas.

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Book of the Week: Botanicum by and Kathy Willis (£18.99). Its just Beautiful!

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🍁🍃🍂TOMORROW🍂🍃🍁#Botanicum publication day

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New book 'Botanicum' by Katie Scott & Big Picture press is out soon

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Cacti & Succulents page from Botanicum. Publishing Sept '16 with in association with

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Flower Anatomy, from Botanicum. publishing sept '16

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