ZakuraTech and PAOX Inc. are proud to partner to present Bitty Kitties: compressed cats for endless amewsment!

Try our grade Purrsonal Toys, for when you want silky smooth pets that leave you feline great after.


34 154

Flamm () got downsized for being too big for his britches. Bottling up a Grew-Mew isn't an exact science tho and using the wrong sort material can be a huge mistake regarding this (barely) contained cat-astrophe.


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Laura () spaced out a bit while navigating a nebulous region and ended up trapped in subspace. Shes not one to remain idle tho: the diminutive dragon is gonna show her 'rescuer' why a Starship in a Bottle is a bad idea..


8 33

Starry ( ) will rant about paws til hes blue in the face! He has a fentastic appreciation for his sole interest. He a shoe-in for resizable cleaners who give toe-tal attention to their job!


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