Boueitober Day 5: AU

For all what I draw of my AU, drawing Yumoto's ancestor is something I rarely do and after my last AU fic I wrote them interacting and always wanted to attempt to draw it xD so here we are 😂

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Boueitober Day 4: Loveless Students/OC

Decided to draw my boy all dark and scary 😂😂😂
One day I'll redesign his uniform I swear

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Boueitober Day 3: Rest

This is a bit older actually 😂 drew this for a possible day 2 at first but then decided not to use it but then went "oh no this works for day 3" 😂

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Boueitober Day 2: Attacks

Decided on True Love Attack/Fountain here 😂

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For Boueitober Day 1: Transformations
Feel I spent too much time on this 😂😂
Pose ref by Jookpubstock

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I'm way too excited to share this of Araki
But gotta wait until Boueitober Day 4

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It has been too long since I've drawn Araki like this. Was going to save this for Boueitober but got too excited XD

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Boueibober Week 4|Costumes

So, I knew right away I wanted to draw these two as WW Link and Zelda, I had so much fun with it (I have to write one final prompt for my Boueitober to be over with)

Thank you all so much for participating! Might do it again next year <3

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Boueitober Week 3| Winter

Look at me, drawing Ryuu and not Yumoto 😂😂 this is probably my favorite drawing I did. Just a cutie texting his bf, Io.

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1° prompt: Candy

So happy to draw my boys again!!

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Boueitober 2020: Week 1: Candy!

I can’t even tell you how many different drawings I did for week 1, I couldn’t find anything I liked, so here’s chibi Yumoto in an angel costume, trick or treating bc why not?

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so i made a banner for Boueitober featuring our fAVORITE WOMANIZER

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