A Mage and her Page.
Caroll and Thean.

5 52

Forgot to post the full image. Will be a mini card for the artbook because I can't write 500+ thank you notes without risking my wrist and neck. So you get some Aik and Tarit to forget about the note. 😳

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Aik with floofy hair is my new favourite thing next to coffee. Hmm...

6 88

A little preview of the August illustration.

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In einem Monat ist es soweit! 🥰
Bound startet bei in der Deutschen Fassung. Ich bin extrem gespannt, wie es sich für die "Altleser" der englischen Fassung liest und freue mich natürlich auf die, die so geduldig auf die deutsche gewartet haben. 🙈

5 73

Reworked pages for the German edition made me realise how much much they've changed within 2 years 🙈

Old version can be found here (page 5):

2 37

Yesss..... postcards for arrived. Just 7 more days before shipping starts.

0 25

My apples bring all the girls to the yard 🎶

2 25