eating cold chef boyardee out of the can

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Le concept, c'est l'épure.
Une unité de lieu angoissante = Fort Boyard, un setting original = un entre deux napoléoniens qui dépassent tous les protagonistes, des personnages Howardiens dépeints avec un amour débordant de nostalgie pour ces archétypes courageux et inspirants.

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Soup is one of those cans from those old Chef Boyardee commercials... But instead of rolling to a kid he hit the floor, dented on one side, and rolled under a shelf until he expired and gained life

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Uh Oh Chef Boyard... Chef Boyardee? that's stupid.

Haru needs to pay more attention next time
(Commission for )

260 1409

Oh right. Have something at a friend's expense. FatBluDragon is Italian right? But like.. what kind of Italian is he?

I vote he's Chefboyardee Italian.

5 21

Pov tu es Louis Boyard

157 1063

Chef Boyardee Mini Beef Ravioli in Tomato & Meat Sauce, 4-pack, 60 oz

1 3

" consuming his 3rd can of boyardee to survive each night"

6 61

Oh yeah and causing agony with chef boyardee. Art is also by

0 3

✨️ Pure Despair ✨️

( chef boyardee obsessed imp is 's impsona )

7 36

Also, I'm working on a about the FMV PC Game la légende. Inspired by a weird crossover I had written when I was a teen: party were doing the game's quest! This time, tough, it's a Isekai story where you end up in the game. 😮

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keir i see you fuckin it up over there chef boyardee

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chef Boyardeez nuts

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Ну что, пацаны, =)
Господи, рисую по нему всякую ерунду с 2014 года. Надо бы продолжить традицию. 🥰

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a reminder to feed your local fox girl
consider leaving out your taco bell leftovers or some chef boyardee on the back porch

5 41

Hop ! En souvenir de l'émission de ce soir de , ma version de

3 10