Brísingamen, a fabled golden necklace worn by the Norse goddess of the Vanir, of Earth, love and magic, Freya. Stolen by Loki, retrieved by Heimdall. made by the dwarves, the master craftsmen of the Norse cosmos. Perhaps *cough* we'd better not say how she paid.

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The dwarves made the gods many treasures. One of the most striking was Freya's fiery necklace, Brísingamen.
She got it in exchange for a night with each of its creators. It became so linked with her that Thor wore it to impersonate her to steal back mjolnir.

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Hibiki: "What about this picture?" 🤨
*shows Kanade Brísingamen*

Kanade: "Ehh... DuoRelic doesn't count" 😅

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a magical necklace worn by the goddess, It’s name, roughly translated from Old Norse, means ‘necklace of amber/fire’. Or, alternatively, it may also be a reference to the a mythical Dwarven tribe who crafted it.

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Freya, en el Skáldskaparmál de Snorri, es identificada con los siguientes kenningar: la hija de Njörd, la hermana de Frey, la esposa de Ódr, la madre de Hnoss, la dueña de los caídos y de Sessrúmnir, de los gatos y de Brísingamen, la diosa de los vanir y la señora de los vanir.

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Me: *sees that Iduna has a golden necklace*
Is that an allusion to Freya's necklace, Brísingamen?👀

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Finished / of Nora doodle during in Norse type necklace based off of Brísingamen

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