This is why , , , , myself, and others are working so hard to make sure that Braincage is going to bring that next-gen entertainment that is so needed.

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Rae mentioned "breakup fic" and then Jackson's "LMLY" came on so the braincage rattled enough for me to doodle!!!
‧º·(˚ ˃̣̣̥⌓˂̣̣̥ )‧º·˚

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New Perk! The very hottest AAT from Dojo Kun Comics, Genuine Comics, Retro Graphics Books, Global Frequency Studios, Vera Via Studios, Clint Hilinski, BrainCage, & Black Rose Comics! Art by Zilson Costa! All on a comic-sized metal print by Phoenix Animation! You know you want it!

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Here's a look at the design of my main character: Hellcast

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A peek at the concept design of the main villain in my upcoming book which will be part of the Braincage world. Been writing his intro scene in my script and he absolutely jumps of the page with his evil badassery

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Here is a recent character concept design commission I did. He is one of the “Hellions” from World War Hell by and is part of the Braincage world. More to come...

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